Dolemite is my name, fun comedy with Eddie Murphy and Wesley Snipes
You got to give it to Netflix, they are firing in all directions to create original content. Although this is not groundbreaking stuff à la
You got to give it to Netflix, they are firing in all directions to create original content. Although this is not groundbreaking stuff à la
The Oscar-nominated live-action short films are always surprising, inspiring and this year’s five nominees did not disappoint. From the instagram-filtered to the politically charged, the
Les Misérables, le premier long métrage de Ladj Ly, pourrait être décrit comme une mise-à-jour du film La Haine de Mathieu Kassovitz sorti en 1995.
This is such an unexpectedly moving and funny film. It has a wild sense of humour, a stellar cast of actors and a beautiful love
I discovered Bong Joon-Ho a few years ago when I saw his 2013 movie Snowpiercer. I was taken away by its power and imagination. It
Read Julian Liurette’s review of Rocketman, the biopic on Elton John.